Sunday, 23 November 2014

Christmas.... Keep it Simple.

 Christmas day can be really stressful, with friends and relatives coming for the most important lunch of the year, this can send you into a tail spin, and no matter how much effort you go to, every one is going to have a good time. After all its Christmas. What can possibly go wrong. Every thing, the turkey is over cooked, the guests have turned up early or late and the alcoholic uncle is starting to make a nuisance of himself. So keep it simple. Take the celebrations out doors, serve seasonal produce, use an abundance of flowers or set a table under a tree.( or maybe a caravan or even a Tee  Pee ) Go on a picnic, or into the country side for the day, maybe down to the beach. I hope taking your  lunch outside to any one of these different location ideas will help this special day be memorable and a stress free one. The Alida and Miller team hope you have a great Christmas  day.

Why not hire a Tee Pee.

 Pack a picnic lunch.

 Maybe you have an old Caravan in the back yard, why not clean it out and have a party.

If you go down to the woods today be ready for a Christmas surprise.

 Trees can be so versatile, from hanging lights or decorations and great for shade on a hot summers day.
Source: Pinterest.

 So simple, but so lovely. With flowers in vases on this table the setting could be stunning.



 Some Summer Christmas produce ideas.


 You can never go wrong with the traditional Pavlova, especially with seasonal fruits thrown on top.


Christmas Lunch in the back yard or a paddock. Perfect.
Source: Pinterest.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree.

The every green fir Christmas tree has been traditionally used for centuries, and its origins are believed to have started in Europe during the winter solace period. Bringing greenery into the home helped the cold winter brighten up and reminded them of better times to come in spring. If you couldn't cut down your own tree or not able afford one, people would make pyramids out of wood and decorate them with coloured paper, apples and candles. Living in Australia we don't need to be reminded of our beautiful spring as our winters are not that severe. I like the idea of using other materials to make a Christmas Tree and have a new take on the look, as we don't have to follow European ideas and can make the style of a Christmas our own. Here are some ideas for your own Christmas tree and decorations this summer as the 25th of December is just around the corner.

Great idea if your Christmas is at the beach.
How to re-use old Christmas cards.

I love this idea, hanging the tree from the ceiling.
 Source: www.bohemiantreehousedotcom.wordpress

Great idea for gift wrapping.
If you don't have a tree just draw one on the wall.
 Simple, but stunning.

How cleaver.
Bring a potted tree indoors.

A Christmas tree that you can eat. Perfect.

Source: pinterest.