Saturday, 8 March 2014

My favourite room in the house.

My favourite room in the house would have to be the kitchen. For me personally I love cooking for family and friends, and watched my children  grow up around the kitchen table. Professionally it is the room  that Alida and Miller get most excited about when we are commissioned to design and fit out a Kitchen for one of our clients. We all know for re-sale value that the kitchen and the bathroom are were we should put most of our budget, but even when you don't intend to sell your home, you should never compromise on a kitchen.
I know that the standard U shape kitchen is the classic design, and don't get me wrong that lay out is fine, but over the years having designed quite a few kitchens I like the galley style kitchen the  most. I have found that style  lends itself to gatherings or parties with the host still able to join in, while the guests are able to sit at the island bench and have a drink and the kitchen itself is large enough for friends to help out and not get court under each others feet. I also prefer the kitchen to be part of a dinning area or family room where you can still see all the action and a galley kitchen design really seems to fit this brief.  The space should be visually appealing and have a focal point or a cool feature that draws your eye into the room, which  should be the very centre of your home. This feature could be as small as a beautiful bowl for fruit, a gorgeous bunch of flowers to a magnificent marble bench top or an over the top oven like an Agar. Your kitchen must always be functional, and always with your taste and the way you use your kitchen in mind. Some kitchens are very small and very little cooking goes on, others are to feed a army, some are U shaped or lead onto an out door eating area and others have views that make you forget what you might be cooking for dinner. But I think the most important role for your kitchen is that it should always be accommodating, firstly for your family and then for all your friends that want to hang out in your amazing kitchen.

 Kitchens with views to die for.


 Small but perfectly formed

My favourite kind of Kitchen, one with a table .

 Kitchens from around the world.



New York.


On the top of my must have list is good storage.
Here are some great storage ideas.

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